Proposed HHS Rule: Stricter HIPAA Security Ahead
Malles, Yocum Elevated to Partnership
Your Best Shot at a Successful Defense
23 Practice Areas Rank Among Nation's Best for 2025
Medical Malpractice, Healthcare Law, Business, Employment, Energy, Government, awards, Mediation, Torts Insurance, Trusts Estates, Workers CompAnn Mary QuarandilloSturgill, Turner, Barker & MoloneyRecognition
Limiting Your Practice’s Liability for Slips, Trips, and Falls
Attorneys Present at Junior Achievement Miss Business
Medical Malpractice, Healthcare Law, Employment, Associates, Community, Government, Torts InsuranceAnn Mary QuarandilloSturgill, Turner, Barker & MoloneyMBL, MLA, EBP
New Ky. Supreme Court Ruling on Certificates of Merit: "Strict Compliance is Required"
In Memoriam: E. Douglas Stephan
Katie Bouvier Elevated to Partnership
23 Practice Areas Rank Among Nation's Best for 2024
Medical Malpractice, Healthcare Law, Business, Employment, Energy, Government, awards, Mediation, Torts Insurance, Trusts Estates, Workers CompAnn Mary QuarandilloSturgill, Turner, Barker & MoloneyRecognition
Andy Yocum Elected to Fayette Co. Bar Association Board
Defense Verdict for Sturgill Turner Insurance Defense Team!