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Defense Verdict for Charley Cole, Sturgill Turner Government Law Team

On July 26, 2023, Sturgill Turner Government Law attorney Charles Cole won a unanimous defense verdict in favor of a police officer client, in a lawsuit brought in connection with a 2021 arrest.

The plaintiff made claims of excessive force and battery which she claimed occurred during her arrest for criminal trespass. At issue in the lawsuit was whether the officer acted within Constitutional guidelines for use of force, and if his actions were consistent with Kentucky law and with his training in a situation with immediate threats to the safety of himself and others. The defense team maintained and proved that the officer responded appropriately to the plaintiff as she resisted arrest, refused to exit her vehicle and physically attacked him. The jury unanimously rejected all the plaintiff’s claims.

“We are very pleased that the jury validated the officer’s actions after having heard and considered all of the evidence at trial,” said Charley Cole, lead counsel and member of Sturgill Turner’s government and municipal law group. The experienced trial team also included paralegal David Hobson.

The case was tried over two days before a jury in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky, Central Division, before U.S. District Chief Judge Danny C. Reeves.