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Sturgill Turner 2022 Summer Associates: A Stellar Team of Talent

UK Law 3L students Anne Evans and Zoe Jessie joined Sturgill Turner in May 2022 as summer associates.

We’re halfway through the summer, and proud of the work that our summer associates have been doing. Anne Evans and Zoe Jessie are both rising 3L students at the University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law, and joined the firm in May 2022. “We’re excited to have such talented, hard-working colleagues working with us this summer,” said member Josh Salsburey, chair of the Sturgill Turner hiring committee. “We appreciate their work, and look forward to the great things they’ll contribute to the legal profession.”

“Changing careers (to the law) did not mean I had to lose the opportunity to build and maintain personal connections with those whom my work is designed to serve.” — Anne Evans

Anne Evans has always wanted to pursue a career where she could make a direct impact on others. After earning her B.A. in English Literature with a minor in religion from Centre College, she worked at Kentucky Educational Television (KET) before moving to Chicago to earn her M.S. in journalism from Northwestern University. She returned to Kentucky, and to Centre, where she worked directly with students for six years as an administrator, but the idea of becoming an attorney stayed in the back of her mind.

Anne soon realized that law truly was the career she wanted to pursue. “The opportunity to make a direct impact on the lives of clients, in the same way I could see how my work in higher education administration made a direct impact on students, was a primary draw for me. I liked the fact that changing careers in this instance did not mean I had to lose the opportunity to build and maintain personal connections with those whom my work is designed to serve.”

As a multi-sport athlete growing up, Anne says she learned not only the importance of teamwork, but also that the key to success is each individual doing their own best work, including communication with each other. “I see legal work as a team effort – clients, attorneys, paralegals, administrative assistants – we all need one another to succeed,” she says. “This team mentality helps me to work better with people in all aspects of life.”

Working at Sturgill Turner has widened her view of what a legal career looks like. “I appreciate the variety of topics that I’ve been able to explore both as a student and as a summer clerk. No two days are the same,” she says. “I have the opportunity to learn about a specific medical malpractice issue one day, the chance to learn more about property law the next day, and another day I can try my hand at drafting a motion.”

Whichever practice area she chooses, Anne’s empathy for clients and strong teamwork and communication skills have prepared her well for career success. “I anticipate feeling a sincere connection with my future clients and knowing I am investing in their lives when I do legal work for them,” she says. “Building genuine connections with clients will only positively impact the work I do.”

“People may not think that being a lawyer means you are creative, but you are basically a creative problem solver.” — Zoe Jessie

While still in middle school, Kierstyn Zoe Jessie won her first legal argument – a mock trial defending a client. “I was hooked!” she says. “After researching what lawyers did, and watching some fun lawyer TV shows, I knew it was the career for me.”

She loves that the law provides opportunities for her to use her creativity, which she honed as a double major in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) and Spanish at Transylvania University, and as an avid video game player. She also gets to use those skills as a Production Editor of the Kentucky Law Journal. “People may not think that being a lawyer means you are creative, but you are basically a creative problem solver,” she explains. “Instead of expressing yourself with paint as a medium, you express yourself with words and clever arguments.”

Zoe looks forward to building connections with people and helping them at a time when they’re most in need. “I think being an advocate for others is the best part of the job. Plus, I am a very curious person, and I love to get to the bottom of things. As a lawyer, it’s so important to have an open mind and explore all the possibilities. This career allows me to use my love for research, because I always want to know what the best answer is.”

And as a video game maven who plays both solo and on teams, Zoe is used to making quick decisions in pressure situations. “I have a passion for video games, and I play them all the time! I think playing helps me focus, and has taught me to finish out a challenge, no matter how big or small.”